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Are children allowed at the activities?
Yes - children are allowed at all Trumbull MAMAS activities, except for Moms Night Out (MNO) (nursing infants are always welcome).


Can I work and still join Trumbull MAMAS?
Of course! Many moms work part-time or full-time and are still active within our club. In fact, many of our board members are full-time working moms! While we do have playgroups and kids' activities on weekdays, we also plan lots of weekend events for kids and families, moms night outs, and parents night outs, too! 


How old do my children need to be to join?
There is no age limit or minimum! Moms pregnant for the first time can join, as well as moms whose children are now in school all day.


How much is it to join?
Our dues are $30.00 per year. This membership fee covers our operating costs, room rentals, supplies, and the remainder is donated back to our community. You are invited to attend two meetings before you choose to join the club. Once you decide to join, you will be able to attend all meetings, activities and participate in club votes. Most events are free. Some activities may cost additional funds, but we try to keep these to a reasonable amount. In addition, you may choose to bring snacks or a potluck dish to some events or donate supplies to a party, and the cost of those are up to you.


How do I join?
Contact us at and we'll get in touch with you!


Can I join if I don't live in Trumbull?
You must be a Trumbull resident to join.


How can I be more involved in the group?
There are lots of ways to be involved! We rely on our members for everything, so your participation is encouraged! We have several committees you can join or you are welcome to start a new committee if you have a special interest. 


Do I have to attend every activity?
You can attend as many or as few events as you would like. It's totally up to you!


How do I find out information about joining a playgroup?
Once you become a member, we will match you up with a playgroup that includes moms with kids around the same age as yours! Each playgroup meets at different times, depending on the members' schedules. We have weekday playgroups, as well as a weekend playgroup.

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The MOMS Club of Trumbull and the International MOMS Club are not affiliated with, not endorse, any advertisers on this site.

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